Personal Touches Reflect Female Artists' 'Intuition'

A contemporary exhibit by a group of women artists brings to mind all manner of installations, objects and videos that traffic in personal disclosure, laceration, exhibitionism and indictment. Not so at the new show at the American Legacy Fine Arts Gallery, “Intuition: A Focus on Women Artists.” These women look outward through their work yet by doing so define their inner selves.

It’s a small installation in Pasadena of about 30 pieces by painters Jean LeGassick, Jennifer Moses, Teresa Oaxaca and Amy Sidrane, and sculptor Alicia Ponzio. Painted landscapes dominate though Oaxaca and Ponzio engage the figure in their respective media. Viewings at the intimate ALFA Gallery are arranged by appointment only. The traditional subject matter has been a staple of western art for centuries, but the personal touches seen in “Intuition” both affirm their relevance and point to new directions.

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Los Angeles Times - Intuition: A Focus on Women